
Transformers are indispensable components in modern electrical systems, facilitating voltage regulation and efficient energy distribution across various applications. To ensure the reliability and operational integrity of transformers, comprehensive testing is essential. The transformer comprehensive tester serves as a critical device designed specifically for accurate capacity testing of transformers, ensuring their stability and reliability during operation. I. Introduction Transformers play a crucial role in electrical infrastructure by stepping up or stepping down voltage levels to enable efficient electricity transmission and distribution. The transformer comprehensive tester is instrumental in meticulously measuring various transformer parameters, guaranteeing their optimal performance and reliability throughout their operational lifespan. II. Functions and Applications Capacity Testing: The primary function of the transformer comprehensive tester is to conduct precise capacity t
Batteries are indispensable energy sources widely used in various electronic devices and transportation. However, ensuring the safety and stability of batteries remains a focal point for both the public and professionals. To guarantee high safety and reliability throughout their usage, the battery internal resistance tester has emerged as a crucial tool, safeguarding battery performance. The battery internal resistance tester evaluates the health of batteries by measuring their internal resistance. Elevated internal resistance may indicate aging or potential failure risks, making timely detection essential for preventing hazards. With its high precision and convenience, the battery internal resistance tester is extensively applied in electric vehicles, smartphones, laptops, and more, playing a pivotal role in battery safety management. The battery internal resistance tester effectively measures the voltage and internal resistance at both terminals of rechargeable batteries, assessing t
Principles of Capacitor Measurement Capacitors are essential components in electronic circuits, commonly used to store electric charge. The measurement of a capacitor’s value is based on the physical concept of capacitance, which is the ability of a system of two conductors separated by an insulator (dielectric) to store charge. The capacitance value is influenced by factors such as the distance between conductors, the reference area, and the dielectric constant. Common methods for measuring capacitance include: • Frequency Conversion Method: This method uses an oscillating circuit to convert the capacitance value to a frequency, which is then measured using a frequency counter. • PWM Circuit Method: This method uses a pulse width modulation circuit to convert the capacitance value to an analog voltage, which is then measured with a voltmeter. • Bridge Method: This method uses the principles of a bridge circuit to accurately measure capacitance values. Types and Applications of Capacit
Dual Nature of Electrical Power Electricity is an indispensable resource in modern society, playing a crucial role in our daily lives and industrial activities. However, electricity also poses potential dangers. Electrical leakage and current leakage can threaten personal safety and even cause fatal accidents. Therefore, ensuring electrical safety is a critical issue that must be addressed. What is Leakage Current? Leakage current is the current that flows between electrically insulated metal parts or between live parts and grounded parts through the surrounding medium or along the surface of insulation under specific voltage conditions. According to the American UL standard, leakage current includes capacitive coupling current and is the current that can be conducted from accessible parts of household appliances.  Leakage current can be divided into two parts: • Insulation Resistance Conductive Current (I1): The current conducted through insulation resistance. • Distributed Capacitanc
Introduction to Impulse Coils Tester Impulse coil testers, also known as digital interturn insulation testers, are devices used for non-destructive electrical testing of coil-wound components. The operating principle involves applying the same pulse voltage to both a standard coil winding and the coil under test, then comparing their transient waveforms to evaluate the quality of the tested coil. Transient waveforms, or damped oscillation waveforms occurring within the coil, can be used to assess the inductance, quality factor, number of turns, and interturn short circuits of the winding. Additionally, in the presence of a core, the material differences can also be determined. The occurrence of corona discharge under high voltage pulses can be used to evaluate insulation deficiencies. LISUN LS8815 Series Impulse Coils Tester The LS8815 series impulse coil testers employ advanced, high-stability high-voltage impulse power sources, significantly improving testing accuracy. The instrument
XRF (X-ray Fluorescence) analyzers are commonly used analytical devices capable of quickly and non-destructively determining the composition of various materials. XRF analyzers excite the elements in a sample using X-rays, causing inner-shell electrons to transition to higher energy levels and emit secondary X-rays (X-ray fluorescence). These fluorescent X-rays are then used for elemental analysis. Types of XRF Technology Based on the scattering methods of X-rays, XRF is divided into two types: Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF or EDX) and Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (WDXRF or WDX). EDXRF is more commonly used in the market. Elements Detectable by XRF Testing XRF testing can detect a wide range of elements, including: • Metal Elements: Such as iron, copper, lead, zinc, tin, aluminum, and nickel. These elements are crucial in common materials. • Non-Metal Elements: Such as sulfur, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and fluorine. Detection of these elements is mainly applie
An impedance analyzer is a specialized electronic instrument used to measure the impedance characteristics of electronic components, circuits, and material elements. It is capable of characterizing the impedance of devices and materials over a range of frequencies, making it suitable for applications in various fields including material science and electronic circuit design. Operating Principle The core principle of an impedance analyzer relies on phase-sensitive detection technology, which measures the current and voltage responses of the device under test during frequency scanning. Specifically, the analyzer accurately measures the magnitude and phase of complex impedance as it varies with frequency. Key Parameters • Frequency Range: Specifies the range of frequencies over which the impedance analyzer can perform tests. • Impedance Range: Indicates the range of impedance values that can be measured. • Accuracy of Magnitude and Phase: Ensures precise measurement of impedance magnitude