Introduction of ANSI/UL 94 horizontal vertical flame test
Underwriters Laboratories (UL), an independent testing and certification organization, developed the ANSI/UL 94 standard to assess the combustibility of plastic materials. The standard is known as "ANSI/UL 94." The standard evaluates plastics using a number of different tests, one of which is the horizontal and vertical flame test. This test evaluates how easily flames can be started on plastic materials and how quickly they can spread. In order to carry out the horizontal flame test , also known as the UL 94 HB, a sample of the plastic material is arranged in a horizontal position and then subjected to a flame for the amount of time that has been determined. The objective of the test is to determine how easily the material can be ignited and how quickly flames can spread over its surface. The vertical flame test, also known as UL 94 V, is carried out by holding a specimen of the plastic material vertically in a flame for the amount of time that is indicated in the test. ...