
Showing posts from September, 2024
The electric wire and cable burning tester is a precision instrument specifically designed to determine the non-propagation of flames of cables under fire conditions. This equipment is suitable for various cable types including single plastic wires, control cables, cross-linked cables, elevator cables, ship cables, and mining cables. Additionally, it can conduct vertical burning tests for high self-extinguishing low smoke halogen-free flame-retardant polyolefin insulation materials and 105°C low smoke halogen-free flame-retardant irradiated polyolefin insulation materials. The design of the electric wire and cable burning tester adheres to the following national standards: • GBT 18380.11-2008 “Tests on electric cables and optical cables under fire conditions – Part 11: Test for vertical flame propagation for a single insulated wire or cable – Apparatus” • GBT 18380.12-2008 “Tests on electric cables and optical cables under fire conditions – Part 12: Test for vertical flame propagation
The spectrum analyzer is a high-precision instrument specifically designed for measuring the spectral characteristics of electrical signals. By converting signals into spectrum graphs, users can visually understand the signal’s spectral density and conduct in-depth signal analysis based on frequency distribution. Operating Principle At the core of a spectrum analyzer lies the principle of Fourier Transform, a mathematical method that converts a time-domain signal into its frequency-domain representation. Fourier Transform enables the analysis and synthesis of frequency-domain signals. After the test signal undergoes Fourier Transform, the spectrum analyzer receives and processes these signals to ultimately output corresponding spectrum graphs. SPA-3P6G Spectrum Analyzer Main Components of a Spectrum Analyzer Front-End Interface: This interface receives the signal under test, typically composed of antennas or cables. It converts the signal into electrical signals and transmits them to s
Principle of Operation of the Leakage Tracer Tester The operation principle of a leakage tracer tester primarily involves insulation quality testing and leakage current testing of electrical equipment: Insulation Quality Testing: In insulation quality testing, the leakage tracer tester applies a specific voltage (often several times the rated operating voltage) to the insulation structure of the device under test. It then detects the leakage current on the insulation structure to assess the device’s insulation quality. Effective insulation quality prevents current leakage, ensuring device safety and reliability. Leakage Current Testing: During leakage current testing, the leakage tracer tester applies a certain fault current to the device under test and measures the leakage current while conducting analysis. By measuring and analyzing leakage current, the tester evaluates the device’s safety performance under fault conditions. Components of the Leakage Tracer Tester and Their Functions
Overview of Withstand Voltage Testing Withstand voltage testing evaluates the ability of various electrical devices, insulation materials, and insulation structures to withstand high voltage without compromising their insulation properties. This process involves applying a high voltage to the insulation material to assess its endurance, ensuring that the material can operate normally under working voltage or overvoltage conditions. The primary purpose of withstand voltage testing is to verify that the insulation performance of the product meets safety standards. Basic Principle of Withstand Voltage Testing The fundamental principle of withstand voltage testing is to apply a voltage higher than the normal working voltage to the insulator of the device under test and maintain it for a specified duration. If the insulation is adequate, the applied voltage will result in minimal leakage current. If the leakage current remains within the specified range during the test period, it can be con
Overview As electrification continues to penetrate daily life, national safety standards for the electricity market have become increasingly stringent, bringing attention to the issue of leakage current. As a common problem in modern electrical systems, it is crucial to understand the differences between leakage current and stray current, as well as their respective safety issues. For engineers, it is essential to efficiently address these issues. Definition and Existence of Stray Current Stray current refers to the small amount of current that leaks through insulation materials or other pathways to the ground due to imperfect insulation properties. This phenomenon occurs not only in appliances but also in other electrical equipment, such as cables, wires, plugs, sockets, and power adapters. In nature, stray currents are present in environments like mountains and oceans. Thus, stray current is an unavoidable part of our daily life and work. Difference Between Leakage Current and Stray
Overview In modern industrial production, hoses are common industrial materials widely used for liquid and gas transmission. However, prolonged use and exposure to natural environments can lead to hose aging, affecting their performance and lifespan. To evaluate the aging resistance of hoses, the xenon lamp aging test chamber has become an essential testing device. This article will discuss the principles, functions, application range, and importance of the xenon lamp aging test chamber in product quality control. Basic Principles The xenon lamp aging test chamber simulates ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the natural spectrum, along with high temperature and high humidity conditions, to accelerate the aging process of hoses. The main principles include: UV Radiation: Equipped with xenon lamps that produce UV radiation simulating the natural spectrum. UV radiation on the hose surface mimics sunlight exposure, promoting hose aging. Constant Temperature and Humidity System: The test chamb
Overview The salt spray test chamber is primarily used for conducting corrosion tests to ensure the quality of ferrous metals and their coatings. This test is widely used in the paint and coating industry to verify the durability and anti-corrosion properties of coatings. Corrosion significantly impacts ferrous metals, and the salt spray test chamber can simulate a saline environment to accelerate the corrosion process, thereby evaluating the corrosion resistance of materials and coatings. Working Principle of Salt Spray Test Chamber The salt spray test chamber accelerates the corrosion process by simulating a salt fog environment. The main principles are as follows: • Salt Fog Generation: The test chamber has an internal spraying system that sprays a saline solution through nozzles, creating fine salt fog. • Environmental Simulation: The temperature and humidity inside the test chamber are controllable, simulating saline conditions. • Accelerated Corrosion: Through prolonged exposure
What is a Coating Thickness Analyzer? A coating thickness analyzer, also known as a coating thickness gauge, electroplating layer tester, or anti-corrosion layer detector, is an instrument capable of non-destructively measuring the thickness of coatings on various substrates. It can measure non-magnetic coatings (such as aluminum, chromium, copper, enamel, rubber, paint, etc.) on magnetic metal substrates (such as steel, iron, alloys, and hard magnetic steel) and non-conductive coatings (such as enamel, rubber, paint, plastic, etc.) on non-magnetic metal substrates (such as copper, aluminum, zinc, tin, etc.). Technical Background Coating thickness measurement has become a crucial step in quality inspection for the processing industry and surface engineering. It ensures that products meet high-quality standards. With the growth of global trade and international market demands, China has clear requirements for the coating thickness of export products and foreign-related projects. Using a
Overview Ball Pressure Test (Resistance to Heat) is a critical experiment for evaluating the heat resistance performance of insulation materials, primarily used to support and protect energized components. The testing temperature varies depending on the material’s application, typically requiring materials supporting energized components to be tested at 125°C. Given that electrical accessories tend to heat up during operation, failure to withstand high temperatures can pose significant safety hazards. Therefore, conducting the Ball Pressure Test aims to reduce potential safety risks associated with electrical plugs. Test Principle The Ball Pressure Test assesses the heat resistance of materials by applying a fixed pressure to the sample in a high-temperature environment and observing the indentation depth to determine its performance. Various plastic materials that directly contact hazardous voltages must undergo this test. During the test, the sample is placed in an oven heated to a t
Analysis of Combustion Safety Performance of Automotive Interior Materials Importance and Current Status Combustion safety performance is a critical indicator for automotive interior materials. Typically, interior materials in vehicles are combustible, making stringent control over their combustion characteristics crucial. Currently, there are various standards governing the combustion characteristics of automotive interior materials, including internal standards set by large automotive manufacturers and national standards such as GB8410-2006 “Combustion Characteristics of Automotive Interior Materials.” Overview of GB 8410-2006 Standard GB8410-2006 “Combustion Characteristics of Automotive Interior Materials” is a mandatory standard in China for automotive interior components, applicable to all automotive interior materials. This standard does not equivalently adopt the U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard FMVSS 571.302. Since its implementation, GB8410-2006 has gained widesprea
The Impact of Salt Spray on Electronic Products and Mitigation Measures Salt spray is widely present in marine, atmospheric, terrestrial, lake, and river environments, inevitably exposing electrical and electronic products to salt-laden atmospheres. The effects of salt spray environment, ranking just after temperature, vibration, humidity, and dust, significantly accelerate the electrochemical corrosion process of metals, leading to the following issues: Corrosion damage to components and fasteners • Mechanical parts and components seizing or malfunctioning • Circuitry opening or short-circuiting • The Importance of Salt Spray Testing To evaluate the corrosion resistance of products in salt spray environments, salt spray testing has become a necessary method. By simulating salt spray conditions, salt spray testing reveals the product’s ability to withstand corrosion, helping manufacturers improve product design and material selection to enhance reliability and longevity. The corrosion
What is a RoHS Tester? A RoHS tester is a specialized device used to ensure compliance with the European Union’s RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) directive. This directive aims to limit the use of specific hazardous substances in electrical and electronic products. The primary function of a RoHS tester is to measure the levels of the following six hazardous substances in products: • Lead (Pb): Commonly used in solder alloys for electronic components. • Cadmium (Cd): Found in batteries, pigments, and plastics. • Mercury (Hg): Previously used in switches and lamps. • Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+): Used for anti-corrosion coatings on metals. • Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBB): Added to plastics as flame retardants. • Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE): Another common flame retardant. Importance of RoHS Testing With increasing global environmental awareness, countries have imposed stricter regulations on hazardous substances in electrical and electronic products. The EU’s RoHS dire
Impedance analyzers are crucial testing devices used to assess the impedance characteristics of electronic components, circuits, and materials. With the rapid advancement of electronic technology, impedance analyzers are increasingly vital in fields such as circuit design, material science, and biomedical engineering. Working Principle of Impedance Analyzers: The principle of impedance analyzers is based on Ohm’s Law and phase-sensitive detection technology. Ohm’s Law states that in a direct current (DC) circuit, current is directly proportional to voltage, with resistance being the ratio of voltage to current. However, in alternating current (AC) circuits, impedance becomes a complex number due to the phase difference between voltage and current. Hence, the task of the impedance analyzer is to measure this complex impedance. Specifically, impedance analyzers generate one or more frequency test signals, which are applied to the test object through test fixtures. The analyzer then simul
Principle of Battery Internal Resistance Tester: The battery internal resistance tester is designed to measure the internal impedance and voltage of batteries. Its principle involves applying a 1 kHz alternating current (AC) signal to the test object and measuring the AC voltage drop to obtain the internal resistance value. In comparison to the principle of resistance measurement using a multimeter, the values obtained by the battery internal resistance tester are more accurate, reaching milliohm levels. Moreover, it can measure not only the resistance of passive objects but also the resistance of active objects. Advantages and Features of Battery Internal Resistance Tester: • Fast and Reliable: It offers rapid testing speed and high reliability, enabling effective assessment of battery quality. • High Accuracy: The measured internal resistance values can reach milliohm levels, making it more precise compared to traditional methods. • Versatility: It can measure the resistance of both
Working Principle of Withstand Voltage Tester: Withstand Voltage Testing is a crucial process for assessing the ability of various electrical devices, insulation materials, and structures to withstand voltage. During the test, high voltage is applied to the insulation material without compromising its performance. The basic principle of a withstand voltage tester involves applying a voltage higher than the normal operating voltage to the insulation material of the device under test for a specified duration. If the insulation is intact, the applied voltage will only generate minimal leakage current. The purpose of this test is to verify whether the insulation performance of the tested equipment meets safety standards. The working principle of a withstand voltage tester is outlined below: • High Voltage Application: High voltage is applied to the insulation material of the tested device, exceeding its normal operating voltage. • Duration: The applied voltage is maintained for a specified
A surge, also known as a transient voltage or spike, refers to the phenomenon of voltage exceeding the normal operating voltage for a brief moment. Essentially, a surge is a rapid voltage pulse that occurs within microseconds. Common causes of surges include the startup or shutdown of heavy equipment, short circuits, power switching, and the operation of large engines. Surges can potentially cause serious damage to electrical equipment. Therefore, products equipped with surge suppression devices can effectively absorb sudden bursts of enormous energy, protecting connected equipment from harm. The use of these protective devices significantly enhances the safety and reliability of electrical equipment. Characteristics of Surges: Surges have an extremely short duration, typically ranging from nanoseconds to microseconds. When surges occur, the amplitude of voltage and current exceeds normal values by more than double. Due to the rapid charging of input filter capacitors, the peak current
Salt Spray Test Chamber: Testing Standards Salt spray test is an environmental test that evaluates the corrosion resistance of products or metal materials by simulating a salt spray environment. Salt spray tests are divided into two main categories: natural environmental exposure tests and artificial accelerated simulated salt spray environment tests. The artificial simulated salt spray environment test is conducted using a salt spray test chamber, which creates a salt spray environment within a certain volume space to assess the product’s resistance to salt spray corrosion. Compared to natural environments, the salt concentration in artificially simulated salt spray environments can be several times or even tens of times higher, accelerating the corrosion rate and shortening the testing time. While testing samples in natural exposure environments may require up to a year, similar results can be obtained within 24 hours in artificially simulated salt spray environments. Most corrosion
Overview Glow Wire Testing is a crucial method for evaluating the stability of electronic appliances during operation. By simulating high-temperature conditions resulting from electrical faults, this test assesses the fire resistance and tolerance of product materials. Composition and Operation of the Glow Wire The glow wire is a fixed-specification resistive wire loop. During the test, the glow wire is heated to a specified temperature through electrical heating. The heated tip of the glow wire contacts the test sample for a standard period. Subsequently, the sample’s condition after contact with high temperatures is observed and measured to evaluate its heat resistance and fire performance. Importance of the Test Safety is a paramount concern in the household appliance industry. Electrical wiring systems may lead to plastic material combustion due to current overload or short circuits caused by mishandling. Therefore, various fire resistance requirements have been established to asse
A spectrum analyzer is an instrument used to measure signal spectra, displaying frequency components and their relative amplitudes, aiding engineers and technicians in understanding signal characteristics. In spectrum analysis, harmonics are crucial. Harmonics are integer multiples of the fundamental frequency signal, typically generated by nonlinear systems. In audio, radio frequency (RF), and power systems, the presence of harmonics can lead to issues like interference and efficiency loss. Understanding and managing these harmonics are vital to ensuring the proper operation of systems. SPA-3P6G_Spectrum Analzer Usage Guide: Measuring and Analyzing Harmonics • Understanding Harmonics Basics: Harmonics are signals with frequencies that are integer multiples of the fundamental frequency. While pure signals ideally lack harmonics, real-world systems with nonlinear components generate them. • Selecting the Right Spectrum Analyzer: Choose a spectrum analyzer that covers the frequency range